


1. 该机构以“肯塔基bwin体育学院”的名义被特许,其主要办公室和总部位于丹维尔市, 博伊尔县, 肯塔基州. 学院以下简称“学院”."

2. 该学院成立的目的是维持和开展“国家青年教育最高秩序的学习机构”,“根据它的章程.

3. The College has no members as such term is used in the 肯塔基州 Nonprofit Corporation Acts. 


1. 所有权, 学院的管理和控制由校董会负责, 由不少于二十名但不多于三十六名成员组成. 这个董事会是自我延续的, 并且在死亡的情况下拥有权力, 辞职, 残疾, or disqualification of any member of the Board to fill the vacancy created thereby.  

2. 校董会成员以三十六人为限, 并可分为不超过九名受托人的班级, 每个级别的任期最长为四年. 几个班级的受托人人数不需要统一. 董事会可选举一名受托人填补即将离任的受托人的任期, 和, 在特殊情况下, 董事会可选出任期少于四年的受托人. 任期从7月1日开始,4年后的6月30日届满, 除非本附例另有规定. Trustees elected to fill interim vacancies shall begin to serve immediately upon election. Membership on the Board of Trustees automatically terminates on the expiration of a Trustee's term.

3. 受托人条款的限制

3.1 任何在10月11日或之后开始初始服务期限的受托人, 2019, 首任任期为四年, 如果再次当选, 可以再加两份吗, 连续四年任期. If, 10月11日或之后, 2019, 受托人最初当选为部分任期, 然后, 在初始部分项的末尾, 受托人有资格再次当选,首次任期为四年, 并有资格再次当选,任期为四年, 之后可能有资格再次当选,任期如下, 在最后一个学期结束时, 连续服务年数为12年, 考虑初始的部分项. 

3.2 任何在10月11日之前开始初始服务期限的受托人, 2019, 在下列情况下有资格连任:

3.2.1 每位受托人的第一个完整任期至10月11日止, 2019, 有资格, 在他或她现任任期结束时, 连任,任期四年, 在学期结束时, 有资格连任,任期两年. 在10月11日开始部分任期的受托人, 2019, 应有资格连任至首次任期满四年, 并且有资格再连任四年, 之后可能有资格再次当选,任期如下, 在最后一个学期结束时, 连续工作年限不得超过12年, 考虑初始部分项;

3.2.2 每名受托人, 截至10月11日, 2019, 在他或她的第二个完整任期或更长时间内, 应有资格连任两年, 和5月, 在离开董事会12个月之后, 有资格按照第3款的规定连任.1;

3.3 任何受托人,但第3条所述受托人除外.2.2以上, 连续任职满十二年的, 不得在任期届满或该受托人辞职后12个月重新当选开始服务.

3.4 尽管有上述规定, a Trustee who is 然后 serving as an Officer of the Board when his or her term as a Trustee would otherwise end by application of this Section 3 may be re-elected as an officer 和 continue in service as a Trustee for up to four more years while serving as an officer. 

3.5 尽管对受托人的任何其他条款或类别的描述, 董事会的成员应包括最多三名受托人, 在上述规定的三十六名受托人的限制内, with the following characteristics: (a) these Trustees shall have graduated from Centre College within approximately 10 years of their election to the Board; 和 (b) these Trustees shall be elected for one term each of three years, with terms staggered so that each year a new such Trustee is elected as one such Trustee rolls off the Board.  董事会可选举这些受托人担任较短或较长的任期, including those of the initial class of such Trustees elected for two-year terms to begin on January 1, 2022, 符合本款所述任期的轮换和期限. 

4. 董事会可选举任职满六年的任何董事会成员或前董事会成员为终身退休受托人. Trustees emeriti shall be entitled to attend 和 participate in all regular meetings of the Board, 但不得被赋予受托人的责任, 也不投票, 也不能算在法定人数的决定中.

5. 所有受托人都应出席董事会会议(亲自或虚拟)。, 阅读提供给他们的材料, 并积极参与校董会的工作. 因此, 任何受托人在两年内未出席至少50%的董事会全体会议,应视为已辞去受托人职务. 董事会可以, 根据管治委员会的建议, 投票保留受托人并推翻这一自动辞职. 本第5条自理事会于4月22日通过之日起生效, 2022, 和 will be applied prospectively to meeting attendance from that point forward.

6. 受托人的提名须由校董会管治委员会提交. 受托人之选举,须经理事会成员三分之二以上之赞成票.

7. 董事会每年至少应召开三次会议, 其中至少有一间应在学院校园内. 定期选举受托人的理事会年会应是该财政年度结束前的最后一次理事会例会. Additional meetings shall be held on call of the Chair or a majority of the trustees. 书面通知应在会议日期至少10天前以普通邮件发给所有受托人,并寄往每个受托人的记录地址.

8. 根据本附例的规定须发出通知时, 有权获得通知的人签署的书面弃权书, 在规定时间之前或之后, 应被视为等同于通知. 受托人出席任何会议,除非在会议上提出反对意见,否则须最终视为放弃通知该会议.

9.  任何由校董会或任何委员会要求或允许采取的行动均可在不召开正式会议的情况下采取. 会议可以通过邮件进行, 电话, 电子邮件, 或者以任何其他方式由受托人决定. 然而, 书面声明, signed by the chair or secretary of the Board or the chair of the committee originating the action, 视情况而定, 并说明所采取的行动,并证明所有有权投票的董事会成员已将其签署的同意采取行动的表格交回, 哪些签名可以是书面或电子形式, 必须与董事会或委员会的会议记录一并存档吗. 

10. 董事会成员的过半数构成法定人数, 除本条例或法律另有规定外,董事会的任何行动均须获得出席任何会议的受托人的过半数. 任何受托人若通过任何通讯手段出席会议,使所有受托人在会议期间可以同时听到对方的声音,则应被视为出席了会议, 比如通过电话会议, 变焦, 或者其他虚拟的会面方式. 董事会可以 adopt such rules for the conduct of its meetings as it deems proper, 符合本附则, 学院的章程, 以及适用的公法.

11. 受托人作为受托人的服务,不得支付任何报酬. 学院允许报销出席会议或办理公务的费用.

12. 学院院长, 校友会主席, 职工代表大会主席, 和 the President of the Student Government Association shall be invited to attend all regular meetings of the full Board of Trustees (except Executive Sessions) with the privileges of the floor but without the privilege of voting. 学院院长 shall be invited to attend meetings of the Academic Success Committee of the Board 和 such other Board committee meetings as may be determined by the chair of each such committee but without the privilege of voting. The President of the 校友 Board shall be invited to attend meetings of the Financial Success Committee of the Board 和 such other Board committee meetings as may be determined by the chair of each such committee but without the privilege of voting. The President of the Staff Congress shall be invited to attend meetings of the Operational 和 Institutional Success Committee of the Board 和 such other Board committee meetings as may be determined by the chair of each such committee but without the privilege of voting. The President of the Student Government Association shall be invited to attend meetings of the Student Success Committee of the Board 和 such other Board committee meetings as may be determined by the chair of each such committee but without the privilege of voting.


1. 校董会应从其成员中选出一名校董会主席. 主席须主持其出席的董事会及执行委员会的所有会议,并拥有董事会规定的其他权力和职责.   

2. 校董会应从其成员中选出一名副主席,在主席缺席时履行主席的职责, 及董事会所订明的其他职责.  

3. 校董会应从其成员中选出一名秘书,负责保管校董会的会议记录, shall see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws or as required by law, 须保管公司记录及学院印章, 对学院的记录进行鉴定, 一般而言,须履行所有与秘书有关的职责,以及董事会所订明的其他职责.

4. 助理秘书, 谁可能是学院的雇员, 可由校董会委任,协助局长履行局长职务.

5. 除非校董会另有规定, 董事会主席团成员选举产生,任期一年, 及经管治委员会提名. 

6. 如果董事会主席或副主席都不能主持董事会会议或执行委员会会议, 主席应任命一名主席 暂时. 如无此种任命,副主席应任命一名主席 暂时


1. There shall be an Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees appointed each year by the Chair of the Board, 并经董事会表决通过. 执行委员会 shall have all the 权力 of the Board of Trustees when the Board is not in session, 除了选举或罢免学院院长的权力, 修订学院的约章及附例, 并选举新的受托人. 董事会主席应为执行委员会主席, 副主席由董事会副主席担任.

2. 执行委员会由董事会主席组成, 董事会副主席和董事会秘书, 以及董事会所有常务委员会的主席. Any action of the Executive Committee to be effective must be authorized by at least five affirmative votes.

3. 执行委员会 shall be responsible for conducting an evaluation of performance of the President of 学院 annually 和 to make recommendations to the full Board regarding the outcome of the President’s evaluation 和 the President’s compensation.  

4. 执行委员会会议可在执行委员会不时确定的时间和地点举行. 其他会议可由主席或学院院长至少提前二十四小时通过电话通知召开, 电子通讯, 或者写下来.


1. 校董会常设委员会包括下列机构:

1.1 Committee on Academic Success; Committee on Financial Success; Committee on Operational 和 Institutional Success; Committee on Student Success; Committee on Finance; Committee on Governance; 和 Such other committees as the Board may from time to time create.

2. 校董会亦可不时为校董会指定的特定目的设立特别委员会.

3. 常设委员会和特别委员会的成员应由主席任命,除非本章程另有明确规定或董事会另有行动.

4. 学术成功委员会负责就有关学术政策的事宜向校长和首席学术官提出建议, 课程, 和 the 教师; review developments 和 trends in higher education; 和 assess the effectiveness of academic support services 和 programs; decisions on tenure 和 promotion for 教师.

5. 财务成功委员会负责监督学院的财务事务,包括年度运营和资本预算流程, 学院资金的投资, 资本市场融资, 录取与注册, 以及学院的整体财务管理. 

5.1 财务成功委员会应设两个小组委员会:

5.1.1 投资小组委员会, which shall have the authority 和 responsibility for the investment 和 reinvestment of funds of 学院, 包括监督学院的捐赠基金. 投资小组委员会检讨学院的整体投资策略,并向财务委员会提出建议, 投资组合配置与绩效. 小组委员会每年须就学院持有的所有证券及其价值向校董会作出全面报告. 在董事会会议间隙, 投资小组委员会有权代表董事会就学院的捐赠基金和其他可用于投资的资金的管理和资产配置采取行动.

5.1.2 审核小组委员会, which recommends the independent financial auditing firm to be hired by the Board, receives 和 reviews 学院's annual audit reports 和 other appropriate reports, 每年至少与会计师举行一次会议,审查审计程序的范围和性质,并审查经审计的财务报表和其他适当的报告. 进一步, 该委员会负责监督学院的风险管理过程和策略,并监督学院的利益冲突政策和程序. 

6. 运作及机构成功委员会应负责监督学院的职能,以维持机构的有效性, 包括学院的人力资源政策和实践, 营销和传播计划, 以及学院的筹款和校友参与活动.

7. The Committee on Student Success shall have the responsibility to advise the President 和 the senior administration on matters of student life; student retention; diversity, equity 和 inclusion; health 和 wellness; athletics; 和 student success 和 support. The Committee will also advise on programming to enhance the experience of all 学生 on campus.

8. The Committee on Governance shall have the responsibility to nominate c和idates for membership on the Board, 董事会办公室, 以及退休资格. The Committee will also develop 和 administer a program of orientation for newly elected Trustees, 定期审查章程和治理文档, 并考虑各项改革和策略,以加强董事会的表现. The Committee will evaluate nominations for persons to receive honorary degrees from 学院.

9. 董事会主席和副主席以及学院院长应为董事会所有常设委员会和特别委员会的当然成员.  


1. 书院职员 shall be the President (who shall be elected annually by the Board at the annual meeting), 一个会计, 及董事会等其他高级人员, 根据总统的建议, 认为必要的. 被任命为高级管理人员的人员及其职责应每年由董事会根据主席的建议商定.

2. 董事长应出席董事会的所有会议,并担任无表决权的代表, 董事会所有常设委员会和特别委员会的当然成员.

3. The President of 学院 shall be the chief executive officer of 学院. The President shall have all authority necessary to conduct the program of 学院, 董事会可明确扣留的除外. The President shall be empowered to delegate authority among subordinate administrative 军官, 委员会, 参议院, 和委员会. The President shall serve as the official channel of communication between members of the 教师, 学生, 行政人员, 及受托人. 总裁应在董事会和执行委员会的会议上以及他们可能要求的其他时间向董事会和执行委员会报告.

4. 总统应有权力, 代表学院, 进行法律和财务交易,并签署所有契约, 抵押贷款, 笔记, 债券, 合同, 以及其他法律文书, 受本章程所规定的限制, 具体地说, 第九条, 第一节, 并由董事会通过决议.

5. 在总统残疾的情况下, 董事会或董事会执行委员会应立即指定人员在总裁残疾期间代表其行事.


1. 学院将赔偿每位受托人及学院管理人员的所有费用(包括律师费)。, 判断, 该受托人或高级管理人员因任何诉讼而实际和必然招致的罚款和和解支付的金额, 西装, or proceeding to which that trustee or officer has been made a party by reason of being or having been such trustee or officer except in relation to matters to which such trustee or officer shall have been adjudicated in such action, 西装, or proceeding to be liable for willful misconduct or wanton or reckless disregard for human rights, 安全:履行职责时的安全或财产. 该等赔偿可, 由董事会酌情决定, include advances of the trustee's or officer's expenses before the final disposition of the action, 诉讼或程序, if the trustee or officer furnishes to the Board a written undertaking to repay the advance if it is ultimately adjudicated that such trustee or officer was liable for willful misconduct or wanton or reckless disregard for human rights, 安全:履行职责时的安全或财产.

2. 学院的每位教职员工均应, 以本合同规定为准, 由学院赔偿所有费用(包括律师费), 判断, 和 fines actually 和 necessarily incurred by such individual in connection with any action, 西装, 或该人因其善意地代表他人履行职责而成为诉讼当事人的诉讼, 或者在的方向, 学院. 除非学院首先批准和解,否则学院没有义务赔偿任何已支付的和解金额. The College retains the right to select or approve defense counsel; the individual may retain different, 私人顾问,自费. 赔偿将仅在特定情况下获得授权, 经个人申请后, 并经学院院长决定, 董事会可覆核哪项决定, 在这种情况下,赔偿是适当的,并且个人已经达到了本协议规定的适用行为标准. The College will not indemnify for either (a) an act or omission not in good faith or that involves intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of the law or (b) an act or omission that is grossly negligent or reckless. 该等赔偿可, 由董事会酌情决定, include advances of the individual’s expenses before the final disposition of the action, 西装, or proceeding if the individual furnishes to the Board a written undertaking to repay the advances if it is ultimately adjudicated that the individual did not meet the st和ard of conduct set forth herein.  

3. 董事会可代表其受托人购买和维持保险, 军官, 教师, 还有员工和前受托人, 军官, 教师, 以及应董事会要求在另一法团以任何身份任职的人员, 伙伴关系, 合资企业, 信托或其他企业对该人主张的任何责任以及该人以任何此类身份产生的任何责任, 或由于该人的身份而产生的, 或由于他或她的诚信履行职责的代表, 或者在的方向, 学院, 根据本条或其他规定,学院是否需要赔偿该人的责任. Any full or partial payment made by an insurance company under any insurance policy covering trustees, 军官, 教师, 工作人员或前受托人, 军官, 教师, 和 staff made to or on behalf of a person entitled to indemnification under this Article shall relieve 学院 of its liability for indemnification provided for in this Article or otherwise to the extent of such payment, 和 no insurer shall have a right of subrogation against 学院 with respect to such payment.


1. 大学政府的所有机构都在大学校长和董事会的审查下行使其授权.

2. 中央学院的教员由校长组成, 教官:所有具有教官或以上军衔的教官, 和 other administrative 军官 recommended by the President 和 approved by the Board to have such rank. The 教师 shall conduct its business according to the Articles of Organization of the 教师, 谁来管理它的活动.

3. 学院理事会是一个由校园组成团体和行政官员的代表组成的机构,他们开会确定, 深思熟虑的, 并就学院社区的主要战略重点提出建议. 理事会的主要职责不是作出决定或制定政策, unless those 权力 are 具体地说 delegated to the Council by the Board of Trustees or the President, 但安理会提供了一个交流思想和信息的论坛, 以及校园社区成员可以为学院的利益参与决策和提出建议的过程. 理事会应制定一套运作细则, which shall not be inconsistent with these College Bylaws or other decisions of the Board of Trustees. 理事会由十二名成员组成, as follows: three members of the 教师 (the president of the 教师 和 two others elected by the 教师); three 学生 (the president of the Student Government Association 和 two others elected by the Student Government Association); three members of the staff (the president of the Staff Congress 和 two others elected by the Staff Congress); 和 three administrative 军官, 由学院院长任命. 当选代表须由其所属的组成团体按该等团体所制订的程序选举,并不得与立法会附例相抵触.

4. 校董会, having 和 retaining ultimate responsibility 和 jurisdiction over all functions of 学院, 应明确组织机构, 权力, 和 duties of the 教师 和 学院 Council in Articles of Organization or bylaws, 经学院及书院理事会建议后采纳, 分别.


1. 校长应在每一财政年度开始前提交学院运作的全面年度预算. 本预算经理事会核准后, the President shall be authorized to conduct the affairs of 学院 in accordance with the budget. Only after express authorization of the Board may the President negotiate for the acquisition, 处置或留置学院的主要资产. The Board reserves the right to set limits of expenditure of funds that expressly require approval.

2. 校长被指示维持一个普通基金,学院的所有一般支出都应通过该基金进行,并通过该基金进行一般财务事务. 校长也有权设立和维持校长认为必要的其他单独基金,以开展学院的业务.

3. 总裁或首席财务官应就普通基金的情况向董事会提交定期财务报告. 在财政年度结束后的第一次董事会例会上,应就学院的所有财务事务提交一份全面的年度财务报告. An audit of the financial statements of 学院 for each fiscal year shall be conducted by independent certified public accountants approved by the Board of Trustees 和 the results of such audit shall be reported to the Board as soon as practicable after the completion of such fiscal year.

4. 学院的财务惯例和记录按照私立教育机构的公认会计准则进行保存.

5. 学院的财政年度为7月1日至6月30日.

6. 校长有权在符合学院章程和联邦及州法律的前提下,对教育项目进行辅助.

7. The 军官 of 学院 shall not be permitted to purchase goods 和 services for 学院 from Trustees or from firms in which they have a substantial interest unless such transactions are 具体地说 authorized in advance by the Board of Trustees.

8. Officers 和 employees of 学院 shall be subject to such bonding requirements as the Board may determine.

9. Centre College practices equal opportunity policies in both admission 和 employment. 



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